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About Angelique

Welcome to my website and thank you in advance. Namaste

As a Spiritual Psychic Medium, Angelique shares her natural gift with those who seek guidance and clarity. Help, information, compassion and understanding is just minutes away. Angelique is available to offer assistance with your process.Just come with your questions, an open mind and heart.


Move from a place of anticipation, to actual accomplishments in your life.

Advanced tangible knowledge to empower yourself, enabling better choices, creating transformation, peace, love and positive change in your life.

Experience a broader perspective and deeper understanding, with people and situations we are about to experience or have experienced – cultivating inner-guidance, wisdom and divine discrimination.

Angélique’s Biography.

Angélique was born and raised in London, England, and lived around the world before settling in New York. A linguist in several tongues, she has committed herself into the spiritual / metaphysical world to extend the messages of hope, love and light throughout the globe. Her objective is to be a bridge for different cultures, nationalities, wisdom, and teachings, so that this incredible knowledge and light can be shared to assist in raising the collective consciousness of the world.

Angélique assists with a gentle, compassionate, honest and direct approach. She has been guided since childhood and has chosen to assist others through her direct connection to spirit to compassionately bring to light the solutions, healing, options and focus, thus enabling your peace of mind and support on your journey of growth and change.

Through the use of her clear, guided intuition and her Tarot cards as a tool for focus, you will receive in-depth and comprehensive predictive information pertaining to all areas of your life. Angelique ensures comfort, confidentiality and professionalism at all times.

Angélique is dedicated to disseminating spiritual information around the world. Angélique is an Ordained Minister, an energetic vibrational healer where she transmits energy through her hands to the recipient and also is a long distance healing practitioner.

Angélique is a certified Reiki Master and Melchizedek Level III Practitioner. She has studied various Indigenous healing methods, including intuitive healing, cleansing the auras, balancing chakras and multi dimensional planetary grid work. Angelique has studied under several Master Healers from both Eastern and Western parts of the world as well as Indigenous Traditions. Mayan Sacred Light Language – Starr Fuentes, Drunvalo Melchizedek’s “Flower Of Life” to name but a few.

After undergoing a car accident where Angelique visited the other side and returned, looking at life here with different eyes and the understanding of what it means to be Human at this time. Angelique underwent energetic training from her guides and higher self, with a full rememberance and a series of initiations imparted from ancient times, bringing her to a deeper understanding of what is happening collectively here on earth at this time, thus enabling her to be more of Service to her earth family in this profound historical time on the earth.

She has developed her own distinct method of healing from her personal guides called “PRHC”Psychic Release & Energy Healing Counselling. “PRHC” is a wonderful tool for working with people assisting in the process of letting go of loved ones that have passed over, PTSD and attachments made due to the environment they have experienced. This method assists in letting go of past hurts, grudges, trauma, bringing more of yourself into yourself, refining and re-attuning your light codes, enhancing expansion into your physical body on a deep cellular level.


You will tangibly feel the difference, assisting to bring more of who you truly are in a tangible way, releasing energetic patterns and cords that create limitation and a sense of lack in your life. If you want to feel like you’ve just come back from an amazing vacation, rested, calm, lighter and rejuvenated, this healing is good for you.

Do you keep finding yourself in the same situation over and over again?

You can change these patterns and undergo change through consciousness grid realignments — all of which assist you to undergo healing multi-dimensionally and simultaneously in all the bodies, so the connection to your own self and soul increases and your sense of connection to yourself and to and from others becomes clearer, natural more joyful and loving.

Healings also assist in finding the root cause of physical ailments and then treating it from that level, through to the physical body where it has manifested, bringing one back to a sense of Wholeness and Peace.

Angelique possesses a charm, wit and a delight expressed like no other, and works with people of all faiths to achieve the common goal of Self Mastery, or as people coin the term “enlightenment” and self-love. She has traveled the four corners of the world and worked with several of the world’s treasures of incredibly enlightened beings and Masters.

She is dedicated to her endeavor to help people of all walks, achieve the inner peace they seek and assist in helping you remove self-limiting beliefs imposed on you by yourself and/or others, from this lifetime or charges from lifetimes that have been brought through in this lifetime and that no longer serve you.

Angelique is available for intermittent Spiritual counselling, and assisting others  to callibrate faster who have encountered near death experience or fully crossed over and came back... some people call them Walk Ins. This phenomenon can feel like a complete upheaval of ones life as one is dying to the old life whilst simultaneously experiencing the new. 

Tarot Card Reading Psychic Angelique Healing
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