Scale new heights. Be the Best U can Be -The Time Is Now.
12 Hours of Spiritual counselling 1-1 with Angelique. Improve your own connection with your higher self, and guides enabling you to access your own information at all times, without having to go outside of yourself anymore for information.
Tools given for your consciousness raising.
Break those self defeating patterns once and for all.
See the red flags that keep you repeating the same cycles.
Clear Fear, Trauma and Programming from childhood, adulthood.
Really come into your power in a whole new way.
Learn to detect and tap into your own natural Channel, Channel varying levels of self.
See your passions and desires come to fruition when you discover how to stay in your center and maintain your balance, despite the goings on in the outside world. Be the eye of the storm.
Like a car antenna, the cleaner the antenna the clearer your own God connection is to self, and listening to the ever loving guidance of your natural inherent self will be ever present, stronger and you will never need to seek information outside of yourself ever again.
Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving.
2 hours a week for 6 weeks via Skype, Phone.
Payment plans are avilable for this service, please contact Angelique for more information.
GET ON TRACK 12 hrs Counselling 1/1
B the Best U can B. The Time is Now.
Spiritual counselling 1-1 with Angelique. Improve your own connection with your higher self, and guides enabling you to access your own information at all times, without having to go outside of yourself anymore for information.
Learn to detect and tap into your own natural Channel, Channel varying levels of self.
Tools given for your consciousness raising.
Break those self defeating patterns once and for all.
See the red flags that keep you repeating the same cycles.
Clear Fear, Trauma, Programming from childhood, adulthood.
Really come into your power in a whole new way.
Like a car antenna, the cleaner the antenna the clearer your own God connection is to self, and listening to the ever loving guidance of your natural inherent self will be ever present, stronger and you will never need to seek information outside of yourself ever again.
See your passions and desires come to fruition when you discover how to stay in your center and maintain your balance, despite the goings on in the outside world. Be the eye of the storm.
Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving.
2 hours a week for 6 weeks via Skype, or Phone.
Payment plan available for this service, Please contact Angelique for more information.